If you are here you had some curiosity about me beyond the simple recitations of an impassive resume. Thank you for that, because there is so much more to me and everyone than a few lines on a sheet of paper.
If you are like most employers, business people, or contractors you’d like to know if this guy is compatible. Does he get you? Can he do the job? I mean you have limited funds and time. You need results. Mostly you need someone you can count on.
So let’s begin. First let’s get some things bugging you out of the way. Yes, I am older. Probably older than most of you reviewing this site. But, heck no! I am not THAT old! Not yet anyway. I learned computers and business administration when many of you were still discussing who to take to the prom. Personally, I believe my age denotes my level of experience. I’ve learned. I am learning. I know how to do it.
While I have formal degrees, my background is entrepreneurship and business management. This experience requires a lot of out of the box, heck, out of the universe thinking to make things work. I have had to make payrolls with accounts receivables not received. I have had to fire more than my share of employees and it still isn’t fun, but I do it. I have built new organizations, rebuilt organizations, and razed organizations that just don’t cut it. I have cleaned the toilets, sat in the back seat of limousines, made multi-million dollar contracts, and searched for coupons to make a purchase.
I like people. Well, most of them. I believe any man that reduces or humiliates a female or others is an idiot and not to be trusted. I like dogs, some cats, friends and believe in family. I love to teach. My passions are writing. I do write books, novels, fiction and non-fiction, many short stories, blogs and some screen plays. There is so much more about me. So I invite you in to explore and get to know me. Maybe, we can do great things together.