
Doctorate of Management/Information Systems Technologies

University of Phoenix – Phoenix Arizona

Yes. It is the University of Phoenix. The original online University. One of the largest if not the largest online university in the world. At times it has over half a million students attending worldwide. Been in existence for over 40 years. Yes, it is accredited, but not by all accreditation services. Why did I attend? It was the only University to provide an education in the subject (Information Systems Technologies) in which I was interested. The subjects were informative, hard and taught by the most dedicated and distinguished professors I would ever have the privilege of attending. I had professors of all stripes. All with Doctorates from such distinguished Universities as Cambridge, Columbia, Brown, and many others. Plus attending the University of Phoenix gave me insights and experience into what is now the most embraced teaching methods for all universities, online classes. The classes and professors were demanding. Especially during oral defense. I am proud of my degree. I challenge anyone to complete this program with the 3.92 GPA I earned.

Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

Xavier University – Cincinnati Ohio

Home of the Musketeers! Great basketball team. Regulars in the sweet sixteen. But best known for its intense education services. I got my degree through the Executive MBA program. This allowed us to get insights from Fortune 50 company executives when they taught the classes or lectured. These lectures included the Chairman of Proctor and Gamble. A local Cincinnati Fortune 50 company. It was an experience that could not be forgotten. Xavier gave me a great background and insight into business.

Bachelors of Science – Business Administration

University of Cincinnati – Cincinnati Ohio

Neil Armstrong taught at the University of Cincinnati in its aeronautics program. Numerous scientists, athletes and notable people attended or taught at the Universities’ colleges. Medicine, Education, Engineering, and Business were only of few of the colleges in the second largest University in Ohio. I was proud to add my name to the alumni list as a student of business administration.


Organizing, Government Relations, Crisis Management

The business and professional sides of me have to list these skills. They are not found in every average businessman or woman regardless of their education or background. They are the focus skills modern business covets. And yes, I can and have done them all, successfully.

I have taken 150 people and 80 buses from scratch and converted them to a functioning transportation company. I have organized and started five companies. Two successfully. I have entered into contracts with multiple governments, worked inside governments to create contracts, and have overseen government bureaucracies. I have also revived failing organizations, faced down employee crisis, built up employee moral, and survived lack of funds and resources. I am experienced and do not have to add these buzzwords to burnish my rep. I own them.

Microsoft Office Suite – Access, Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Seems everyone wants to know if you can use the Microsoft Office Suite products such as Access, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. I don’t see how you can operate in business without knowing. Of course I am not rated highly advanced, but I don’t spend all my time coding or learning about these programs. There is so much they can do it would take years to learn it all. But doing that would be unproductive for business. I don’t really call these skills, so much as necessities. However, I have been using all of them for decades now.

Coding, Web Design, Database Design, Adobe Products

Well I don’t know Photoshop, but I do know Fireworks and Acrobat (pdf documents). I also have dabbled with the other Adobe products. I know some HTML, Javascript, and Visual Basic. But I am not a programmer or coder. I design websites. Heck I designed this one. I use what is available, often using Dreamweaver, but I have used strict coding languages as well. I have designed online databases as well as stand alone databases. Each of these are a necessity of managing technicians or fiddling on your own.


I am an author. I have six novels written as well as numerous short stories, web content, and news articles. Most of my writings are fiction although some of my best selling writing is non-fiction. My book “Inhale Fear, Breathe Anger: TEA Partiers, Dixiecrats and Changing Political Paradigms” have sold world-wide. No, I am not an editor. I am a writer. I hire editors.

Public Relations/Interactions

I ran for office five times. I have sought votes in various homes, halls, and auditoriums. I have been onstage, online and on television. Those experiences have taught me how to interact with people, influence their decisions and make the speeches needed to be made. It is an ongoing class in the school of hard knocks only those in the public spotlight know. I know it and I can do it. Been there, done that.